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Vision Correction without surgery at CatinoEyeCare Wilmington, NC

Ortho-K and Corneal Refractive Therapy at CatinoEyeCare to correct Myopia while you sleep:

The prevalence of myopia has increased in the United States by 66% over the past 40 years.  Typically myopia (nearsightedness) is corrected with glasses, contacts or surgery.  At CatinoEyeCare in Wilmington, NC our doctors are part of an elite worldwide group of practitioners that fit Paragon CRT Contact Lenses to correct myopia while you sleep.  CRT contact lenses are a very oxygen permeable therapeutic contact that reshapes the cornea while you sleep.  The lenses are worn at night to correct your vision so during the day you are free from glasses or contacts.  These lenses are used to correct nearsightedness and moderate amounts of astigmatism.  Currently we can correct up to -6.00 diopters of myopia and -1.75 diopters of astigmatism.

Dr. Gilbert Catino using a topographer to map patient's corneal surface

Dr. Gilbert Catino using a topographer to map patient’s corneal surface

We use a computer called a corneal topographer to map the initial shape of the patients cornea.  This map is then used to fit the patient in office with their contacts.  The patient returns the next day wearing their contacts after sleeping in them the night before.  The doctor evaluates and makes neccesary adjustments at that time.  The patient is typically rechecked after another week of wear.  We can typically achieve desired results after 5-14 days of therapy.  The patient continues to wear their contacts at night while enjoying freedom from glasses and contacts during the day without surgery!

We are the Leaders in Wilmington, NC for this breakthrough technology.  Give us a call at 910.686.8000 or click here to schedule your appointment with Dr. Gilbert Catino to get your Vision Correction started.


This topography map shows the progression of the cornea being reshaped with CRT Lenses.